攝影 蕭明發 / Photos by M.F. Xiao

濱河秋日 Autumn WaterFront

《濱河秋日》乃古舞團2022年為桃園地景藝術節全新製作大型戶外舞作。 身為大溪人的臺灣舞蹈名家古名伸,因大溪河濱公園豐富的生態環境而產生了許多創作靈感。此作特為大溪河濱公園量身打造,極富在地地景文化與特色。除了專業舞者外,更加入素人參與,且在演出過程中與觀眾互動,拉近舞蹈與人之間的距離,打造出更親民、更生活化的作品。大自然、環境與舞蹈的結合,將碰撞出與秋日對話、療愈人心之作。




Autumn Waterfront is a large-scale outdoor dance work commissioned for the 2022 Taoyuan Land Art Festival. Tailored for Daxi Riverside Park, it is inspired by the rich natural landscape and ecological culture of the park. In addition to professional dancers, amateurs are also involved. They interact with the audience during the performance, bringing dancers and the audience closer. The dance is close to life and people. The meeting of dance and the natural environment in autumn soothes people's hearts.

For the first time, Ku & Dancers creates and performs on the water and floating platform, breaking the framework of the conventional theatre and stage space. Attempting to find more and different interpretation possibilities, we create a different experience for the audience. The music and movement elements of this work are rich with Daxi culture and its temple fair icons, making it a local dance work in Daxi, Taiwan. The fusion of local traditional elements and the use of immersive performance in this environment has created a collision, communication and dialogue between the traditional and the contemporary, making the dance full of unique highlights and surprises.

Place: Daxi Riverside Park, Taoyuan, Taiwan.

Premiere: 24th Sept. 2022