攝影 湯詠茹 / Photos by Y. R. Tang


夷希微的凝視 The Gaze of Yi-Xi-Wei


Dance is an art that cannot be clearly described for its extralinguistic directness. We dance to express our feeling. It is impossible to even try explaining it through any thoughtful language and be to the point. Dance is actually a non-verbal expression.

At the beginning of chapter fourteen of his Dao De Jing, the philosopher Lao-tse said, “looking but cannot see is yi; listening but cannot hear is xi; grasping but cannot hold is wei.”  This is very much similar to what I felt about dance. You see it but just cannot fix it; you hear it but just cannot understand it; you want to grab it but nothing is there in your hands. The choreographer, Ming-shen Ku thinks dance lovers can understand and will have a special affinity with this uncertainty. This special quality of uncertainty hence becomes the basic idea of this dance.

The Gaze of YI XI WEI tries to establish a dialogue of subconsciousness between the choreographer and the audience. There is a mirror inside us, with which we reflect the world. This reflection is our understanding or imagination of the world, bringing meaning to us, too. A sliding surface is the subject matter of this dance. As dancers, we try to control our center of gravity. But how would it be like when the surface is challengingly unstable? As the choreographer, Ku has been thinking about the meaning of dance. She is not interested in what the dance is telling the audience, especially anything about herself. An interface is what she would like to provide here. With which the audience will discover the small stories that lay inside their heart—a dance that is unique for everyone.