

攝影 陳若軒 Photos by RHCHEN 



獵景 View Hunting, 2020/2017/2001/1998


View Hunting is a structural improvisation dance work that integrates with the environment. Each pre-structured section is performed by the long-time cooperating dancers and musician. Throughout the dance, their mind and imagination mingle, liberating fully and firing the most organic sparkles. The installation in View Hunting captures the unique greenery of the site, framing the natural scenery as the setting for the performance. The change in the lighting of the dance, from dusk-daylight to stage-light after sunset, suggests the audience a variety of perspectives about the environment. Meandering through reality and surreality, View Hunting provides a feast of art that binds the people and the environment tightly.

1998台大校園環境藝術節首演;2001年於全省戶外草地空間演出;2017(重建)桃園地景藝術節 ;2020年台南藝術節及嘉義潮間帶舞蹈節邀演