攝影 陳又維 / Photos by Yo-Wei Chen

記憶拼圖 Memory Puzzles, 2006

編舞家古名伸,邀集英國舞台影像藝術大師湯姆‧葛雷(Thomas Gray),與數位藝術家黃心健協力合作,歷經三年激盪,以創意幽默兼具的舞蹈,貫穿台灣城市山水影像,打造繁複驚豔視覺幻境,交疊出《記憶拼圖》中虛實記憶的糾纏與錯認。是一場成功將影像與舞蹈完美結合的作品,令人驚豔又感動的演出。


Memory Puzzles was a three-year collaboration between dazzling British video artist Thomas Gray and Taiwanese choreographer Ming-Shen Ku. The dances and video images were carefully interwoven into a poetic imagination of wonderland. The creative and humorous dance traverses the images of Taiwan’s cities and natural landscapes, creating a complex, astonishing and rich visual fantasia, in which true and false recollections overlap in a “mnemonic puzzle” of entanglement and mis-recognition. The critic called Memory Puzzles an original, enjoyable and magnificent piece of production.

There is a kind of beauty in memory, created by the distance of time, by the fact that things passed can never happen again. Memory Puzzles is not telling memories of a certain person. But rather, it is about the fact that memories exist, so we never stop remembering and trying to solve the puzzles in our head. So much blurring and dislocating of events probably can slip memories into the domain of dreams. In the end, we can’t really tell if Memory Puzzles talks about memories or dreams.